solve the system of linear equations by graphing

I need helping it.

i need help graphing it

To solve the system of linear equations by graphing, follow these steps:

1. Start by writing down both equations:
y = (3/5)x
y = (-1/5)x - 4

2. Choose a range of values for x to plot on the graph. For example, you can choose x = -10 to 10.

3. Substitute different values of x into both equations to solve for y. For each value of x, calculate the corresponding y value for both equations.

For example:
- When x = -10:
y = (3/5)(-10) = -6

y = (-1/5)(-10) - 4 = 2 - 4 = -2

Repeat this process for other chosen values of x.

4. Plot the points (x, y) on a graph for both equations.

5. Connect the plotted points for each equation with a straight line. Use a ruler or a straight edge to draw the lines.

6. Check if the lines intersect at a single point. If they do, it means that there is a solution to the system of linear equations. If they are parallel and do not intersect, there is no solution.

7. Determine the point where the lines intersect. This point represents the solution to the system of linear equations.

By following these steps, you will be able to solve the system of linear equations by graphing.

Step 1 : make a table of values

equation #2: y=-1/5x-4
let x = 0, y = 0-4 = -4 ---> point (0,-4)
let x = 5, y = (-1/5)(5) - 4= -5 ----> point (5,-5)
Step 2: you got 2 points, plot them, then join with a straight line

repeat for equation #1 ....