The item below has been reviewed and is scheduled to be updated. All students will receive full credit for any response to the following. Please select two answer options to receive full credit for this question. (1 points)


You wrote, "The item below..."

What item below?

To determine the answer to this question, you need to review and understand the item in question.

The item states that it has been reviewed and is scheduled to be updated. It also mentions that all students will receive full credit for any response to the following.

The question asks you to select two answer options to receive full credit. The options provided are:

A. curved
B. vertical
C. horizontal
D. zigzag

To answer this question, you need to identify which two options are correct based on the information provided. It does not specify what the item is, so you cannot rely on any outside knowledge or context.

Therefore, without more information, it is not possible to determine the correct answer options. You may need to refer to additional materials or seek clarification from the source of the item to find the correct response and earn full credit for this question.

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