Isabelle is mixing red paint with blue paint to make purple paint. She adds of a fluid ounce of red to of a fluid ounce of blue to make fluid ounces of purple. How many fluid ounces of red paint will she need to make 3 fluid ounces of purple paint?

I haven't figured this one out either. I have it on edmentum and tbh, I hate it. Oh well, good luck to the both of us.

(also im pretty sure u might have figured it out by now since it's 2 years later)

I need help with work

so like whats the answer

I have this on Edmentum and i have no clue

To find out how many fluid ounces of red paint Isabelle will need to make 3 fluid ounces of purple paint, we first need to calculate the ratio of red to blue that she used to make the original mixture.

Given that she added 2/5 (or 0.4) fluid ounces of red paint to 3/5 (or 0.6) fluid ounces of blue paint to make 1 fluid ounce of purple paint, we can set up a proportionate equation:

(red fluid ounces) / (blue fluid ounces) = (purple fluid ounces) / (desired fluid ounces)

(0.4) / (0.6) = 1 / 3

Now, let's solve for the unknown value, which is the fluid ounces of red paint needed for 3 fluid ounces of purple paint.

(0.4) / (0.6) = (x) / (3)

Cross-multiplying the equation:

0.6x = 3 * 0.4

0.6x = 1.2

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.6:

x = 1.2 / 0.6

x ≈ 2

Therefore, Isabelle will need approximately 2 fluid ounces of red paint to make 3 fluid ounces of purple paint.


and nobody says your mom any more losser

why would you say that to an teacher that is why you get an thums down try to be nice every once and a while

u suck u hecking hecker

Please complete these sentences --

She adds of a fluid ounce of red
to of a fluid ounce of blue