how to calculate C(7,0)?

What do you think?

By definition 0! =1

So now just follow the rule for C(7,0)


you have 7 items. In the number of ways of choosing any number of items, isn't "taking none of them" one of the choices ?

To calculate C(7,0), we need to use the formula for combinations, also known as binomial coefficients. The formula is:

C(n, r) = n! / (r! * (n-r)!)

In this case, n refers to the total number of items and r refers to the number of items chosen. However, since we want to calculate C(7,0), it means we're choosing 0 items out of a total of 7.

Plugging in the values into the formula, we have:

C(7,0) = 7! / (0! * (7-0)!)

Now, let's simplify the expression:

0! = 1 (by definition of factorial)
7-0 = 7

C(7,0) = 7! / (1 * 7!)

Since anything divided by 1 is itself, we have:

C(7,0) = 7! / 7!

To further simplify, we can cancel out the 7! terms:

C(7,0) = 1

Therefore, the value of C(7,0) is 1.