Hi, so I have this portfolio and I need 5 canned/packaged items in ounces.

The rules are that it has to be a decimal, so like 10.6 oz is acceptable, but 10 oz isn't.
Also, I can use items that normally won't go together (like canned peaches and frozen peas).
I just need 5 items like that, sorry if this is a lot to ask for. I've been trying to do this portfolio for so long, so a little help would be nice. :)

Sour cream and onion chips -- 9.5 oz

Chocolate bar -- 3.5 oz
Horseradish -- 8.5 oz
Shampoo -- 10.14 oz
Mousse -- 6.8 oz

okay, thanks !

You're welcome.

Thanks Ms. Sue! I was going to get expelled if I didnt find these ingredients! xD

Mr.Sue your bad at teaching on a history problem she gave the gid wikapiedia to find his info and if your a techer or was a teacher you should know that



im bigs toes

No problem at all! I'm here to help. Finding five canned or packaged items in ounces that meet your criteria is definitely doable. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by brainstorming a wide range of canned or packaged items. Think about different food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, soups, and condiments. This will help you cover a variety of options.

2. Check the nutrition label or product details for each item to find the weight in ounces. You can usually find this information on the packaging, or by looking up the product online.

3. It's important to note that most canned or packaged items are measured in whole ounces (e.g., 10 oz). To find decimals, you might need to look for smaller sizes like single-serve items or unconventional products that come in non-standard weights.

4. To increase your chances of finding decimal measurements, consider looking for items that are specifically designed for portion control or dietary needs. These items often have smaller package sizes with decimal measurements.

5. As you find potential items, make a list and record their weights in ounces. Keep track of whether they meet your criteria with decimal measurements (e.g., 10.6 oz) or if they are only whole ounces (e.g., 10 oz).

6. Experiment with different combinations of items that normally wouldn't go together to get your final selection of five items. This will allow you to showcase your creativity and use a diverse range of products.

Remember, this process may require some research and exploration, but it can also be fun to discover unique options. Good luck with your portfolio, and if you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!