Which of the following is NOT a transcendentalist belief?

All people have access to divine inspiration.(my choice)
God gave humankind the gift of intuition, insight, and inspiration.
Nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it.
Spirituality can be defined in a new way, less rationalistic.

“We see today a votive stone” is an example of
Metaphor(I think it may be this as well, but I can only choose one)
Symbol(my choice)

That didn't help me..

To determine which of the given options is NOT a transcendentalist belief, we need to understand the basic principles of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism is a philosophical and literary movement that emerged in the 19th century in America. It advocates for the belief in the inherent goodness of both people and nature, emphasizing the importance of individualism, intuition, and the spiritual connection between humans and the natural world.

Now, let's analyze the options:

1. All people have access to divine inspiration. - This is a transcendentalist belief. Transcendentalists believe that everyone has the ability to tap into divine inspiration and access higher truths.

2. God gave humankind the gift of intuition, insight, and inspiration. - This is also a transcendentalist belief. Transcendentalists believe in the inherent spiritual gifts of intuition, insight, and inspiration that humans possess.

3. Nature is divine; therefore, humans cannot understand it. - This statement contradicts transcendentalist beliefs. Transcendentalists view nature as divine and believe that humans can attain spiritual understanding and connection with nature.

4. Spirituality can be defined in a new way, less rationalistic. - This is a transcendentalist belief. Transcendentalists sought to redefine spirituality and move away from traditional religious dogmas, embracing a more personal and intuitive understanding of spirituality.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is NOT a transcendentalist belief is "Nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it." Transcendentalists believed that humans could achieve spiritual understanding and connection with nature.

that really helped.

1. No.


2, I'm not sure either.