Generate a detailed image representing the influence of Chinese culture in Korea during the period of the Three Kingdoms. Include elements such as a Buddhist monk indicative of a signal to represent travel, implied military encroachments with symbolic armor and weapons, artistic tools and pieces indicating the introduction of Chinese art and technology, and a scroll or tablet standing for the Chinese writing system. Illustrate these distinct elements in the backdrop of a historically Korean architecture to signify the era. The image should not contain any text.

How was Chinese influence spread in Korea during the period of the three kingdoms?

A. through the travels of Chinese Buddhist monks
B. through military conquest
C. through the introduction of Chinese art and technology
D. through the Chinese writing system

Can I get ideas on what the answer could be? I can't find the answer in the book.

Ok I just took the test the answers are

1. A, through the travels of Chinese Buddhist monks
2. B, by establishing trade networks between Japan, China, and India
3. (Drop down menu) buddhist shrines
4. B, The Vietnamese started to practice the Shinto religion
5. (drop down menu) mongol

I rly hope this helped u!! Good luck! 😊🍀👍🏻

Actually, these are the right answers

1. through the travels of Chinese Buddhist monks
2. by establishing trade networks between Japan, China, and India
3. Buddhist shrines
4. The Vietnamese adopted the civil service exam.
5. Mongol
If you go to connections academy unit 2 lesson 7 Korea and Southeast Asia Quick Check these are 100 percent I just did it.

#4 is B not C but they said the name wrong but 4 is B

So real answer are
1) Through the travels of Chinese Buddhist monks
2) By establishing trade networks between Japan, China, and India
3) Buddhist Shrines
4) The Vietnamese adopted the civil service exam
5) Mongol
These are 100% correct!!
I promise you it is

I missed one but thanks BRO

The person above me is correct I got 100% thanks.

(Listen to me I'm 100% right) Is correct I just got 100%!!!

ur both right just one is the letters and the other is the sentences.

1. A

2. B
3. Buddhist Shrines
4. B
5. Mongol


question1 through the travels of Chinese Buddhist monks
question2 by establishing trade networks between japan, china, and India
question3 (dropdown) Buddhist shrines
question4 the Vietnamese adopted the civil service exam
question5 (dropdown) mongol


3 buddnist shrines
4 b