Calvin types 4 pages in 1/5 hour. The average page contains 250 words. What is Calvin's approximate typing speed in words per minute?

1/5 hour = 12 minutes

4 * 250 = 1000 words

1000 / 12 = ______ wpm

To find Calvin's typing speed in words per minute, we need to calculate how many words he types in one minute.

Step 1: Calculate how many pages Calvin types in one minute.
Since Calvin types 4 pages in 1/5 hour, we need to convert 1/5 hour into minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 1/5 hour is equal to (1/5) * 60 = 12 minutes.
Therefore, Calvin types 4 pages in 12 minutes.

Step 2: Calculate how many words Calvin types in one page.
Given that the average page contains 250 words, Calvin types 250 words in one page.

Step 3: Calculate how many words Calvin types in one minute.
To calculate how many words Calvin types in one minute, we multiply the number of pages typed in one minute (4) by the number of words on each page (250).
So, Calvin types 4 pages * 250 words per page = 1000 words in one minute.

Therefore, Calvin's approximate typing speed is 1000 words per minute.