Which word is the closest in meaning to eloquent?

i still dont see a hint

The word closest in meaning to "eloquent" is "articulate."

To find a word that is closest in meaning to "eloquent," you can start by understanding its definition. Eloquent means having the ability to express oneself fluently and persuasively. A good way to search for a word with a similar meaning is to use a thesaurus.

1. Open a search engine like Google.
2. Type "thesaurus eloquent" into the search bar and hit enter.
3. On the search results page, you should see various online thesaurus websites.
4. Click on any reliable source, such as Thesaurus.com or Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
5. Once you reach the chosen thesaurus website, you'll find a search bar to enter the term.
6. Type "eloquent" in the search bar and press enter.
7. The website will display a list of words with similar meanings to "eloquent."

Common words you might come across when searching for words similar to "eloquent" are "articulate," "expressive," "fluent," "persuasive," "poignant," or "rhetorical." Remember to choose a word that fits the context of your sentence or the overall message you want to convey accurately.


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