What is the difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed?

Box Plot 1
25 to 35

Box Plot 2
45 to 64

What numbers do I need to subtract?
64-45 and 35-25 and then find the difference between those?
I am somewhat lost.
Please help



lacking information

i think its 20, i got it right!

To find the difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the range of the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed:
- For Box Plot 1: The range is from 25 to 35 minutes (Subtract the lower value from the higher value: 35 - 25).
- For Box Plot 2: The range is from 45 to 64 minutes (Subtract the lower value from the higher value: 64 - 45).

2. Calculate the difference between the ranges obtained from step 1:
- Subtract the range from Box Plot 1 from the range of Box Plot 2: (64 - 45) - (35 - 25).

Let's go through the calculations:
- Box Plot 1 range: 35 - 25 = 10 minutes
- Box Plot 2 range: 64 - 45 = 19 minutes

Now, subtract the range of Box Plot 1 from the range of Box Plot 2:
- (64 - 45) - (35 - 25) = 19 - 10 = 9 minutes

Therefore, the difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed is 9 minutes.

whats the second part