I promise I'm not cheating! I just need to know if these are correct. If it is cheating I didn't know. The rest I will figure out and do myself once I understand better.

1. 2 2/5 + 1/15 = 2 12/15 + 1/15 = 2 13/15
Is that correct?
2. 9 ½ - 5 7/12 = 9 6/12 – 5 7/12 = 8 18/12 – 5 7/12 = 3 11/12
Is that correct?
3. -4 7/8 x 2/3 = -4 14/24 = -4 7/12
Is that correct?
4. -3 1/5 divided by - 2/3 = -16/5 x -3/2 = -8/5 x -3/1 = -24/5 = -4 4/5
Is that correct?

1. No

2 2/5 = 2 6/15

2. Yes

3. No
You don't need a common denominator in a multiplication problem. But you do need to change the mixed fraction to an improper fraction.
-4 7/8 = -39/8

I'll post a response to question 4 in a few minutes.

4 is correct.

#4, a negative divided by a negative is positive, so 4 4/5

Thanks again, Reiny.

Thanks @Ms. Sue and @Reiny! (:

To verify if the given calculations are correct, let's go through them one by one:

1. 2 2/5 + 1/15 = 2 12/15 + 1/15 = 2 13/15

To add mixed numbers, you need to add the whole numbers and the fractions separately. Adding the whole numbers, 2 and 2, gives 4. Adding the fractions, 2/5 and 1/15, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 15. Rewriting both fractions with the common denominator, we have 6/15 and 1/15. Adding these fractions, we get 7/15.

Combining the whole numbers and the fraction, we have 4 7/15.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4 7/15, not 2 13/15.

2. 9 ½ - 5 7/12 = 8 18/12 – 5 7/12 = 3 11/12

Similarly, to subtract mixed numbers, we subtract the whole numbers and the fractions separately. Subtracting the whole numbers, 9 and 5, gives 4. Subtracting the fractions, 1/2 and 7/12, we need to find a common denominator, which is 12. Rewriting the fractions with the common denominator, we have 6/12 and 7/12. Subtracting these fractions, we get -1/12.

Combining the whole numbers and the fraction, we have 4 - 1/12, which can be simplified to 3 11/12.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3 11/12.

3. -4 7/8 x 2/3 = -4 14/24 = -4 7/12

To multiply mixed numbers, we multiply the whole numbers and the fractions separately. Multiplying the whole numbers, -4 and 2, gives -8. Multiplying the fractions, 7/8 and 2/3, we multiply the numerators together to get 14, and the denominators together to get 24.

Combining the whole numbers and the fraction, we have -8 14/24, which can be simplified to -8 7/12.

Therefore, the correct answer is -8 7/12.

4. -3 1/5 divided by -2/3 = -16/5 x -3/2 = -8/5 x -3/1 = -24/5 = -4 4/5

To divide mixed numbers, we convert the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the divisor. The reciprocal of -2/3 is -3/2.

Multiplying the mixed numbers, we multiply the whole numbers and the fractions separately. Multiplying the whole numbers, -3 and -3, gives 9. Multiplying the fractions, 1/5 and 2/3, we multiply the numerators together to get 2, and the denominators together to get 15.

Combining the whole numbers and the fraction, we have 9 2/15. However, this result is in its simplest form, so we need to simplify it further. The fraction 2/15 cannot be reduced any further.

Therefore, the correct answer is 9 2/15, not -4 4/5.

In summary, out of the calculations you provided, only the second one is correct. The first and third calculations have incorrect results, and the fourth calculation is partially correct but not simplified to its simplest form. Let me know if you need any further assistance!