How can you tell from a box plot in which region are the patient counts more similar.

Box Plot A

Box Plot B

Box Plot C

I already know the answer is not C so it must be A or B but I am not sure which one. Please help.

I am not sure what your numbers signify.

Assuming that the numbers are the range (either total or between first and third quartiles), I would pick B.

To determine which region has patient counts that are more similar, you can look at the interquartile range (IQR) for each box plot. The IQR is the range of the middle 50% of the data, which is shown by the length of the box in the box plot.

In this case:
- Box Plot A has an IQR of 19.
- Box Plot B has an IQR of 8.

Since the IQR represents the range in which the majority of the data falls, a smaller IQR indicates that the patient counts are more similar. Therefore, Box Plot B, with an IQR of 8, has patient counts that are more similar compared to Box Plot A, which has an IQR of 19.

So, the answer is Box Plot B.