which section of a personal narrative requires the most development?

1. introduction
2. conclusion
3. character introduction
4. plot

It is 3

And you think the correct choice is ... ??

this does not help next time have answer in it.

Determining which section of a personal narrative requires the most development can vary depending on the specific story. However, generally speaking, the section that often requires the most development is option 4: the plot.

The plot of a personal narrative involves the sequence of events that occur within the story. It typically includes the problem or conflict that arises, the actions taken by the characters to resolve it, and the outcome or resolution. Many personal narratives tend to focus heavily on the events and actions rather than spending extensive time on other sections.

To develop the plot effectively, consider the following:

1. Establish the problem or conflict: Introduce the main problem or conflict early on in the narrative. Clearly define the issue that the protagonist faces and the impact it has on their life.

2. Build suspense and tension: Create anticipation and engage the readers by gradually building up the tension and suspense. Develop the plot by introducing obstacles, challenges, or complications that make it difficult for the protagonist to resolve the conflict.

3. Show character development: Use the plot to showcase the growth and transformation of the characters. Develop their personalities, motivations, and beliefs by exploring how they navigate through the challenges presented by the plot.

4. Offer a climax and resolution: Build towards a climax, which is the turning point or the most intense moment in the story. This could be a pivotal decision, a major realization, or a confrontation. After the climax, provide a resolution that ties up loose ends and concludes the narrative.

Remember, while the plot may require the most development, all sections of a personal narrative are important in their own way. Each contributes to the overall storytelling and should be crafted thoughtfully to effectively engage the reader.