Can anyone find links for "Haiku" by Kaga no Chiyo or "Haiku" by Basho

Certainly! To find links for the haikus by Kaga no Chiyo and Matsuo Basho, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Type in the name of the haiku poet and the title of the haiku you are looking for. For example, "Haiku by Kaga no Chiyo" or "Haiku by Matsuo Basho."
4. Press the Enter key or click on the search button to initiate the search.

The search engine will then provide you with a list of websites, articles, or resources related to the haikus by the respective poets. Look for reputable sources such as poetry websites, literary databases, or scholarly articles to ensure accurate and reliable information.

Click on the links that seem relevant to your search. These links might provide you with the actual haiku, analysis, translations, or further information about the haikus by Kaga no Chiyo or Matsuo Basho.

Remember, while search engines can help you find various sources, it's essential to critically evaluate the information you come across and verify its accuracy through multiple reliable sources.