According to Piaget, children develop through a series of stages that:

1. lead all children to the final and most advanced stages of logical thinking.
2. are unpredictable and unique to each child.
3. are unpredictable, but nevertheless lead to the most advanced stage.
4. can be molded through systematic intervention.
5. are predictable, but some children never obtain the most advanced stages.

Is it 1?

According to Piaget, the correct answer is 5. Piaget believed that children develop through a series of distinct stages, namely the sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage. Each stage is characterized by specific cognitive abilities and ways of thinking. Piaget argued that while the sequence of these stages is predictable, not all children may reach the most advanced stage of formal operational thinking. Some children may stagnate or show limited progress in their cognitive development, which means that they do not achieve the final and most advanced stage of logical thinking. Therefore, the correct answer is not 1 but 5, as some children may not obtain the most advanced stages of cognitive development according to Piaget's theory.