The use of blind or double-blind investigators in a study is done to avoid:

sampling error.
sample bias.
uncontrollable variables.
researcher bias.
random error.

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The double blind method is an important part of the scientific method, used to prevent research outcomes from being 'influenced' by the placebo effect or observer bias. Blinded research is an important tool in many fields of research, from medicine, to psychology and the social sciences, to forensics.

The use of blind or double-blind investigators in a study is primarily done to avoid researcher bias. Researcher bias occurs when the personal beliefs, attitudes, or expectations of the investigators influence the study results, potentially leading to biased or inaccurate conclusions.

Blind investigators are those who are kept unaware of certain important information during the study. For example, in a single-blind study, the participants may be unaware of whether they are receiving the experimental treatment or a placebo, while the investigators are aware.

Double-blind investigators, on the other hand, are both the participants and the investigators who remain unaware of certain crucial information throughout the study. This ensures that neither the participants nor the investigators are influenced by expectations or subjective judgments.

By using blind or double-blind investigators, the influence of researcher bias is minimized. It allows for more objective and unbiased data collection, analysis, and interpretation. This approach also helps to increase the reliability and validity of the study results.

Therefore, the use of blind or double-blind investigators in a study is primarily done to avoid researcher bias. While it may indirectly help reduce other sources of error such as sample bias or random error, these specifically refer to other aspects that need to be addressed separately.