2. With an increase in altitude, air pressure:

a. Increases at a constant rate
b. Increases at a decreasing rate
c. Decreases at a constant rate
d. Decreases at a decreasing rate
e. Decreases at an increasing rate
answer: e

4. The addition of water vapor into a volume of air will cause the density of air to:
a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Stay the same
d. Vary widely in a horizontal direction
answer: a

5. Lines of equal pressure are called:
a. Isotherms
b. Isohyets
c. Isotachs
d. Isodrosotherms
e. Isobars
answer: e

6. Winds are generated by the:
a. Coriolis force
b. Pressure gradient force
c. Friction force
d. Centrifugal force
e. Centripetal force
answer: b

are these correct?

Yes, these answers are correct.

To explain how to get the answers:

For Question 2, to determine the relationship between altitude and air pressure, you can refer to the concept of atmospheric pressure. As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense, resulting in a decrease in air pressure. The rate at which air pressure decreases with increasing altitude is not constant but rather increases at an increasing rate. This is because, as you ascend in the atmosphere, the decrease in air pressure becomes more dramatic.

For Question 4, the addition of water vapor into a volume of air leads to an increase in humidity. This increase in humidity causes the air to become less dense, which in turn decreases the overall density of the air. Therefore, the correct answer is that the density of the air decreases when water vapor is added.

For Question 5, lines of equal pressure are known as isobars. Isobars are used to represent areas of equal atmospheric pressure on weather maps.

For Question 6, winds are primarily generated by the pressure gradient force. This force arises from differences in air pressure between two locations. Air flows from higher pressure to lower pressure, creating wind patterns. While other forces like the Coriolis force and friction force also influence winds, the primary driving force is the pressure gradient force.