Illustrate the reasons for conflict between the superpowers by dragging and dropping the descriptions to the appropriate label.

Soviet Cold War economy::

Government planners make all decisions.

Private property is not allowed.

command economy

Private citizens start new businesses.

U.S. Cold War economy::

Private property is allowed.

free-market economy


Illustrate the reasons for conflict between the superpowers by dragging and dropping the descriptions to the appropriate label.

Soviet Cold War economy::

Private property is not allowed.

command economy

Government planners make all decisions.

U.S. Cold War economy::

Private property is allowed.

free-market economy

Government planners make all decisions.

so are these the right answers

One of your characteristics of the Soviet economy is wrong. The others are right.

should "Private citizens start new businesses" go to U.S. Cold War economy

no wait it "Government planners make all decisions" should go to U.S economy

Illustrate the reasons for conflict between the superpowers by dragging and dropping the descriptions to the appropriate label.

Soviet Cold War economy::

Private property is not allowed.

command economy

Private citizens start new businesses.

U.S. Cold War economy::

Private property is allowed.

free-market economy

Government planners make all decisions.

Are these the right answers


Private citizens started lots of businesses in US
Government planners supreme in Soviet Union

Those are what I think the "correct" answers are. One could argue.

Your new answers are correct.

Pablo is right I got 100% on my quiz for social studies if you go to connexs and are cheating for 6th A unit 2 lesson 4 cold war quiz use these answers.

To illustrate the reasons for conflict between the superpowers, let's match the descriptions to the appropriate labels.

For the Soviet Cold War economy:

- Government planners make all decisions. (Matches command economy)
- Private property is not allowed. (Matches the absence of private property)

For the U.S. Cold War economy:

- Private property is allowed. (Matches the presence of private property)
- Private citizens start new businesses. (Matches free-market economy)

Therefore, the reasons for conflict between the superpowers in terms of their Cold War economies were the stark contrast in economic systems. The Soviet Union had a command economy with government control and no private property, while the United States had a free-market economy with private property rights.