Naksh has a chart paper of dimension 60 by 80 she cuts out a piece from one of its corner measuring .20 m by .15 m. What is the area and perimeter of the remaining chart paper

Area of original is 4800 units^2 , let's assume we measured in cm

area of cut-out = 20 cm * 15 cm = 300 cm^2

what is left over ?

Make a sketch, then find the perimeter of the original and the perimeter of the result.
Don't be surprised by the unexpected answer.


To find the area of the chart paper after cutting out a piece, we need to subtract the area of the cut piece from the original area.

Original area of the chart paper = 60 cm * 80 cm = 4800 cm²

Area of the cut piece = 0.20 m * 0.15 m = 0.03 m²
To convert the area of the cut piece from square meters to square centimeters, we multiply by 10,000 since 1 m² = 10,000 cm².

Area of the cut piece = 0.03 m² * 10,000 cm²/m² ≈ 300 cm²

Area of the remaining chart paper = Original area - Area of the cut piece
= 4800 cm² - 300 cm²
= 4500 cm²

Therefore, the area of the remaining chart paper is 4500 cm².

To find the perimeter of the remaining chart paper, we need to calculate the perimeter of the original chart paper and subtract the lengths of the sides that were cut off.

Perimeter of the original chart paper = 2 * (60 cm + 80 cm)
= 2 * 140 cm
= 280 cm

Length of the sides that were cut off = 0.20 m + 0.15 m + 0.20 m + 0.15 m
= 0.70 m

To convert the length of the sides that were cut off from meters to centimeters, we multiply by 100 since 1 m = 100 cm.

Length of the sides that were cut off = 0.70 m * 100 cm/m
= 70 cm

Perimeter of the remaining chart paper = Perimeter of the original chart paper - Length of the sides that were cut off
= 280 cm - 70 cm
= 210 cm

Therefore, the perimeter of the remaining chart paper is 210 cm.