use formula v=u +at to find the velocity when the initial velocity is 3m/s, the acceleration is 1.5m/s2, the time is 7 seconds

You didn't define your variables in v = u + at, but traditionally u would be the initial velocity, t would be the time, and a is the acceleration.

so v = 3 + 1.5t
so when t = 7 seconds
v = 3 + 1.5(7) m/s = 13.5 m/s

write this for your answer:

v=3+1.5(7) m/s= 13.5 m/s
Answer= 13.5 m/s


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To use the formula v = u + at to find the velocity (v), when the initial velocity (u) is 3 m/s, the acceleration (a) is 1.5 m/s², and the time (t) is 7 seconds, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the given values:
u = 3 m/s (initial velocity)
a = 1.5 m/s² (acceleration)
t = 7 s (time)

Step 2: Plug the values into the formula:
v = u + at

Step 3: Substitute the values:
v = 3 m/s + (1.5 m/s²) * 7 s

Step 4: Perform the calculations:
v = 3 m/s + 10.5 m/s

Step 5: Add the units:
v = 13.5 m/s

The velocity at 7 seconds is 13.5 m/s.