1.What was the original goal of the leaders of the Reformation?

to found new Protestant churches***

to defend and spread Church teachings throughout the world

to create a theocracy based on Christian teachings

to fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church

2.What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

to punish heretics and non-believers

to put Martin Luther on trial for attacking the Church

to persecute Jews and force them to live in ghettos

to reform the Catholic Church from within***

what is 1

What is the correct answer of this question?

The answer is to defend and spread Church teachings throughout the world i tink

To answer the first question, the original goal of the leaders of the Reformation was D. to fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church.

The leaders of the Reformation, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli, were critical of certain practices and teachings of the Catholic Church during the 16th century. They believed that the Church had become corrupt and deviated from the original teachings of Christianity. Their intention was to reform the Church and address these perceived problems, rather than founding new Protestant churches.

To answer the second question, the purpose of the Council of Trent was D. to reform the Catholic Church from within.

The Council of Trent was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church held between 1545 and 1563. Its primary goal was to address the issues raised by the Protestant Reformation and reaffirm Catholic doctrines and practices. The Council aimed to examine and reform the Church's teachings, address corruption and abuses, and strengthen its position against the growing Protestant movement. It resulted in changes and reforms within the Catholic Church, such as addressing the sale of indulgences and reaffirming the authority of the pope.

Am ms sue

Mrs. Sue what the heck

You're welcome.

thank you ms sue

shut up you little nincompoop

1 no

2 yes