When the name of an anion that is part of an acid ends in -ite, the acid name includes the suffix _____.

A. -ous
B. -ic ***
C. -ate
D. -ite

Can someone please, please check my answer?

To check the answer, we need to understand the naming conventions of acids. When an acid contains an anion ending in -ite, the acid name consists of the root name of the nonmetal element, followed by the suffix -ous. On the other hand, when an acid contains an anion ending in -ate, the corresponding acid name includes the suffix -ic.

In this case, the question states that the name of the anion ends in -ite. Therefore, the correct answer would be B. -ic. To double-check this, we can look at some examples:

- The anion sulfite (SO3^2-) gives rise to the acid sulfurous acid (H2SO3).
- The anion nitrite (NO2^-) gives rise to the acid nitrous acid (HNO2).

In both cases, the acid names end with the suffix -ous, confirming that the answer B. -ic is correct.