Find the equation of the line containing the following pair of points (-1,-7)(-4,-9)

To find the equation of a line given two points, you can use the formula for the slope-intercept form:

y = mx + b

where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.

Step 1: Calculate the slope (m) using the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's label the points as follows:
Point 1: (-1, -7)
Point 2: (-4, -9)

Using the formula:

m = (-9 - (-7)) / (-4 - (-1))
m = (-9 + 7) / (-4 + 1)
m = -2 / -3
m = 2/3

So, the slope (m) is 2/3.

Step 2: Use the slope-intercept form to find the equation:

We have the slope (m = 2/3) and one of the points (Point 1: (-1, -7)). We can substitute these values into the equation:

y = mx + b

-7 = (2/3)(-1) + b

Simplify the equation:

-7 = -2/3 + b

To isolate b, add 2/3 to both sides:

-7 + 2/3 = b
-21/3 + 2/3 = b
-19/3 = b

So, the y-intercept (b) is -19/3.

Step 3: Write the final equation:

The equation of the line is:

y = (2/3)x - 19/3