Please help, I need the answers asap

1. How does the natural world control where people settle and how they live?

2. How did Emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism?

3.What are some different ideas about how to run an empire

I'll get you started.

1. climate and terrain
2. "conquest by dharma” (i.e., by principles of right life)." -- Encyclopedia Britannica
3. With an iron fist

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you find the answers to your questions. Here's how you can approach each of them:

1. How does the natural world control where people settle and how they live?
To answer this question, you would need to understand the geographical factors that influence human settlement patterns and lifestyles. Start by researching the impact of physical features such as climate, topography, access to water, availability of natural resources, and proximity to trade routes. Consider examining case studies or examples from different regions to identify how these factors affect where people choose to settle and how they adapt their way of life to their surroundings.

2. How did Emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism?
To uncover the answer, begin by investigating the key tenets and principles of Buddhism. Then, research Emperor Asoka's accomplishments and initiatives during his reign. Compare his actions and policies with the core beliefs of Buddhism, such as non-violence, compassion, moral values, and ethical conduct. Analyze whether his achievements align with these principles and provide evidence and examples to support your findings.

3. What are some different ideas about how to run an empire?
This question requires an exploration of various political, social, and ideological approaches to governing an empire. Start by studying different historical empires and their governing systems. Look into ideas such as autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, and socialism, among others. Compare and contrast the principles, structures, and philosophies behind each governing system and consider the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. You may want to delve into case studies of specific empires and their methods of governance to provide concrete examples and analyze their effectiveness.

Remember, the best approach to finding answers is conducting thorough research using reliable sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and scholarly databases.