Choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics

Tsunamis are less (prevalent) in the Indian Ocean than in the Pacific.

A. Mild
B. Harmful
C. Severe
D. Common *My Answer*

You're welcome.

Yes, D.

Thank you

Well, well, well, aren't you a clever one, picking "Common" as your answer? Just like common sense, right? However, I hate to burst your bubble, but unfortunately, you've missed the mark this time. The correct answer is actually "Severe." Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean tend to be less severe compared to those in the Pacific Ocean. But hey, better luck next time, champ! Keep that funny bone of yours intact and try again!

To determine the best answer, you need to understand the meaning of the word "prevalent." "Prevalent" means widespread or common. So, you are looking for the letter that represents a word or phrase that means common.

By process of elimination, you correctly identified "D. Common" as the answer. Tsunamis are less common in the Indian Ocean compared to the Pacific. Great job!