Most of the​ world's economies can be identified as industrial or developing nations.

As the ratio of these economies is​ examined, which of the following is not​ true?
Only a small segment of the world​ (such as the U.S. and Western​ Europe) are identified as industrial countries
Half or more of the​ world's economies would still be classified as developing.
About three quarters of the​ world's economies would be considered to be industrial nations.
Over half of the African nations are near the bottom of the world in economic development.

And your answer is?


To determine which statement is not true, we need to examine the given options and understand the concept of industrial and developing nations.

Option A states that only a small segment of the world, such as the U.S. and Western Europe, are identified as industrial countries. This statement is generally true because industrial nations are typically characterized by advanced technology, infrastructure, and high levels of production. However, there are also other countries in regions such as East Asia that have experienced rapid industrialization.

Option B suggests that half or more of the world's economies would still be classified as developing. This statement is generally true because developing nations are characterized by lower levels of industrialization, less infrastructure, and slower economic growth. Many countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are still in the developing stage.

Option C states that about three quarters of the world's economies would be considered as industrial nations. This statement is not true as industrial nations represent a smaller proportion of the global economy compared to developing nations. Therefore, option C is not the correct answer.

Option D indicates that over half of the African nations are near the bottom of the world in economic development. This statement is generally true as many African nations face challenges in terms of poverty, political instability, and limited industrialization. They often rank lower in terms of economic development compared to countries in other regions.

Thus, the answer to the question is option C.