George works for $15 an hour. Each day he works 5 hours. Each week he works 5 days. After 8 weeks, about how much will George have earned?

15 * 5 * 5 * 8 = ?

(about 1500 * 2 :)

To calculate George's earnings, we need to multiply his hourly rate by the number of hours he works each day, and then multiply that by the number of days he works each week. Finally, we multiply this amount by the number of weeks he works to get his total earnings.

Hourly Rate = $15
Hours worked per day = 5
Days worked per week = 5
Number of weeks worked = 8

To calculate George's earnings per week, we start by calculating his daily earnings:
Daily earnings = Hourly Rate * Hours worked per day = $15/hour * 5 hours/day = $75/day

Next, we calculate George's weekly earnings:
Weekly earnings = Daily earnings * Days worked per week = $75/day * 5 days/week = $375/week

Finally, we calculate George's total earnings over 8 weeks:
Total earnings = Weekly earnings * Number of weeks worked = $375/week * 8 weeks = $3,000

Therefore, George will have earned about $3,000 after working for 8 weeks.