How is empirical evidence different from an opinion.

Is empirical evidence-Empirical evidence is information acquired or gathered by observation or experimentation.
Opinion-what is the true science definition?

Empirical evidence and opinion are different in terms of their nature and how they are obtained.

Empirical evidence is based on factual observations or data obtained through systematic observation or experimentation. It involves gathering information through the collection of data and the use of objective methods. Empirical evidence is considered to be more reliable and trustworthy because it relies on observable phenomena and can be replicated by others to validate the findings.

On the other hand, an opinion is a subjective belief or perspective of an individual. It is based on personal thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and experiences rather than objective evidence. Opinions can vary from person to person and may not necessarily be backed by empirical evidence or facts. Opinions are typically influenced by personal biases, emotions, and values.

To recognize the difference between empirical evidence and opinion, consider the source of the information and the methodology used to obtain it. Empirical evidence relies on systematic observations and data, whereas opinions are based on personal viewpoints or beliefs.