Which expression can be written as 4•(3+8)?

A. (4+3)(3+8)
B. (4•3)+(4•8)
C. (4+3)•(4+8)
D. 4•3+8
Please can someone help

4•(3+8) = 4 * 11 = 44

A . 7 * 11
B. 12 + 32
C. ?
D. ?

4 • ( 3 + 8 ) = 4 • 3 + 4 • 8

Answer B

becouse: ( 4 • 3 ) + ( 4 • 8 ) = 4 • 3 + 4 • 8

Can you help me with some more

To determine which expression can be written as 4•(3+8), we need to simplify each option.

A. (4+3)(3+8)
To simplify this expression, we need to apply the distributive property, which states that a(b+c) = ab + ac. When we expand the expression, we get (4+3)(3+8) = 4(3) + 4(8) + 3(3) + 3(8) = 12 + 32 + 9 + 24 = 77.

B. (4•3)+(4•8)
Applying the distributive property, (4•3)+(4•8) becomes 12 + 32 = 44.

C. (4+3)•(4+8)
Expanding this expression yields (4+3)•(4+8) = 7•12 = 84.

D. 4•3+8
Simply following the order of operations, we multiply first and then add. 4•3 + 8 reduces to 12 + 8 = 20.

Thus, the correct option is D. 4•3+8.