
Try multipling the brackets out first and dont't forget BODMASS

Multiply every letter and number in the brackets by the other munbers and letters in the other bracket

To multiply the given expression (b+2)(b+6), we can use the distributive property.

Start by multiplying the first term in the first bracket by both terms in the second bracket:

b * (b+6) = b^2 + 6b

Next, multiply the second term in the first bracket by both terms in the second bracket:

2 * (b+6) = 2b + 12

Now, combine the two results:

(b^2 + 6b) + (2b + 12)

To simplify, combine like terms:

b^2 + 6b + 2b + 12

Finally, combine the like terms:

b^2 + 8b + 12

So, the result of (b+2)(b+6) is b^2 + 8b + 12.