Juggling numbers

from old newspapers cut out digits 0 to 9 and stick them in a creative manner make sure the digits are not too small.juggle the digits to make the numbers described below. The challenge is you can use a digit only once in a number

Using these :-
1.make the smallest 3 digit number.
2.make the greatest 2 digit number.
3.make the greatest possible number that is greater than 180 but less than 200.
4.make the number which comes between 109 and 111.
5.make the successor of 200.
6.make the predecessor of 120.

To solve this juggling numbers challenge, follow these steps:

1. To make the smallest 3-digit number, you need to use the digits 0 to 9, ensuring that each digit is used only once. Since the smallest 3-digit number starts with '1', you can choose the remaining two digits from the set of digits excluding '1'. For example, you can use '1', '2', and '0' to form the number 120.

2. To make the greatest 2-digit number, you need to use the digits 0 to 9, ensuring that each digit is used only once. Since the greatest 2-digit number ends with '9', you can choose the remaining digit from the set of digits excluding '9'. For example, you can use '9' and '8' to form the number 98.

3. To make the greatest possible number that is greater than 180 but less than 200, you need to use the digits 0 to 9, ensuring that each digit is used only once. Since the number should be greater than 180, it needs to start with '1'. For example, you can use '1', '8', and '9' to form the number 189.

4. To make the number that comes between 109 and 111, you again need to use the digits 0 to 9, ensuring that each digit is used only once. Since the number needs to come between 109 and 111, it should start with '1' and end with '0'. For example, you can use '1', '0', and '9' to form the number 109.

5. To make the successor of 200, you can simply add 1 to it, resulting in the number 201. Since you don't have the digit '1' available, you cannot create the exact number in this case.

6. To make the predecessor of 120, you can subtract 1 from it, resulting in the number 119. Similarly, since you don't have the digit '9' available, you cannot create the exact number in this case.

Remember, the challenge is to use each digit only once, and you can get creative with how you arrange the digits to form the numbers. Have fun juggling the numbers!

1. The smallest 3-digit number can be made using the digits 0, 1, and 2. Arranging them in ascending order, we get the number 012.

2. The greatest 2-digit number can be made using the digits 8 and 9. Arranging them in descending order, we get the number 98.

3. To make the greatest possible number between 180 and 200, we can use the digits 1, 8, and 9. Arranging them in descending order, we get the number 981.

4. To make a number between 109 and 111, we can use the digits 0, 1, and 9. Arranging them, we get the number 910.

5. The successor of 200 can be made using the digits 0, 2, and 3. Arranging them, we get the number 302.

6. The predecessor of 120 can be made using the digits 0 and 1. Arranging them, we get the number 10.