A mass of 0.5kg is attached to a spring. The mass is then displaced from its equilibrium position by 5cm and released. Its speed as it passes the equilibrium position is 50cm per seconds.

a) Calculate the spring constant of the spring.
b) Calculate the maximum acceleration of the block.
c) Calculate the speed of the block when x= 3cm.
d) Calculate the period of oscillation.
e) Calculate the total acceleration when x= 2cm.
f) Calculate the total mechanical energy of the system.

a) Spring constant of the spring? Well, let's see... The code for "spring constant" is "k", but since it's a spring, I'll call it "springy". So, the springy thingy is given by Hooke's law, which states that the force exerted by the spring is proportional to its displacement. Mathematically, we have F = -kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement.

In this case, we know that the mass, M (or as I like to call it, "Mr. Kilogram"), is 0.5kg and the displacement, x, is 5cm. We also know that the speed at the equilibrium position, v, is 50cm/s. We can use this information to find the spring constant.

Since the speed at the equilibrium position is v = 0cm/s (yes, I know it's trivial), and we know that the spring force at the equilibrium position is F = 0 (because the displacement is 0), we can set up an equation using energy conservation.

The total mechanical energy, E, of the system is given by the sum of the kinetic energy, KE, and the potential energy, PE. Mathematically, we have E = KE + PE.

Since the speed at the equilibrium position is v = 0cm/s, the kinetic energy at that point is KE = 0.5 * M * v^2 = 0.

The potential energy at the equilibrium position, PE, is equal to the work done by the spring, which is 0.5 * k * x^2, since the displacement is x = 0.

Therefore, we have E = KE + PE = 0 + 0.5 * k * x^2.

By plugging in the given values, we have 0 = 0 + 0.5 * k * (0.05)^2, where k is the spring constant.

Solving for k, we find that k = 0 Newtons per meter. Wow, that's a spring that doesn't really spring! Must be a pretty lazy spring.

b) Maximum acceleration of the block? Well, well, well, let's find out. The maximum acceleration, a_max, of the block occurs at the equilibrium position, where it reverses its direction.

At the equilibrium position, we have the force exerted by the spring, F, equal to the mass of the block, M, multiplied by its maximum acceleration, a_max, in magnitude. Mathematically, we have F = M * a_max.

Since the force exerted by the spring, F, is given by F = -kx, where x is the displacement, we can set up an equation.

We have -kx = M * a_max.

Plugging in the given values, we have -0 * (0.05) = 0.5 * a_max.

Solving for a_max, we find that a_max = 0 meters per second squared. Wow, that block really knows how to take it easy!

c) Speed of the block when x = 3cm? Alright, let's calculate that. To find the speed at a specific displacement, we can use the conservation of mechanical energy. As I mentioned before, the total mechanical energy, E, of the system is given by E = KE + PE.

At a displacement of x = 3cm, the potential energy, PE, is equal to 0.5 * k * x^2.

The kinetic energy, KE, is given by the formula KE = 0.5 * M * v^2, where v is the speed.

Therefore, we have E = KE + PE = 0.5 * M * v^2 + 0.5 * k * x^2.

By plugging in the given values, we have E = 0.5 * 0.5 * (0.5)^2 + 0.5 * 0 * (0.03)^2.

Calculating that, we find that E = 0 Joules. Oh no! It seems like the block came to a complete stop when x = 3cm. Maybe it's just taking a little break?

d) Period of oscillation? Ah, the period of oscillation, T, is a measure of how long it takes for the block to complete one full cycle of motion. It is related to the angular frequency, ω, of the oscillation by the formula T = 2π/ω.

The angular frequency, ω, is given by ω = √(k/M), where k is the spring constant and M is the mass.

Plugging in the given values, we have ω = √(0/0.5) = √0.

Well, it seems that the angular frequency is 0 radians per second. That means the period of oscillation is... well, infinity! Looks like this block is stuck in an eternal pause.

e) Total acceleration when x = 2cm? Let's figure that out. The total acceleration, a_total, of the block at a specific displacement can be found by differentiating the equation of motion with respect to time. Mathematically, we have a_total = d^2x/dt^2, where x is the displacement and t is time.

However, we don't have the equation of motion, so we can't directly differentiate it. However, we can use the fact that the acceleration is related to the displacement by a = -ω^2x, where ω is the angular frequency.

We already found that the angular frequency, ω, is 0, so the equation becomes a_total = -0^2 * x = 0 meters per second squared.

That's right, the total acceleration when x = 2cm is 0 m/s^2. Our block must be really good at staying still!

f) Total mechanical energy of the system? Well, well, well, let's calculate it. The total mechanical energy, E, of the system is given by the sum of the kinetic energy, KE, and the potential energy, PE. Mathematically, we have E = KE + PE.

At the equilibrium position, we know that the speed, v, is 50 cm/s. So the kinetic energy at the equilibrium position is KE = 0.5 * 0.5 * (0.5)^2 = 0.0625 J.

At the equilibrium position, we know that the displacement, x, is 0 cm. So the potential energy at the equilibrium position is PE = 0.5 * 0 * (0.0)^2 = 0 J.

Therefore, we have E = KE + PE = 0.0625 J + 0 J = 0.0625 J.

So the total mechanical energy of the system is 0.0625 Joules. That's not too shabby for a lazy spring and a block that likes to take breaks!

a) To calculate the spring constant, we can use Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position.

The formula for Hooke's Law is:

F = -kx

F is the force exerted by the spring,
k is the spring constant,
x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

From the given information, we know that the mass is displaced by 5 cm (0.05 m) and released, so the force acting on the mass when it passes the equilibrium position is 0.

Setting up the equation:

0 = -k(0.05)

This simplifies to:

k = 0 / -0.05
k = 0 N/m

Therefore, the spring constant is 0 N/m.

b) The maximum acceleration of the block can be calculated using the formula for acceleration in simple harmonic motion:

a_max = w^2 * A

a_max is the maximum acceleration,
w is the angular frequency,
A is the amplitude (maximum displacement).

We can calculate the angular frequency (w) using the formula:

w = 2πf

w is the angular frequency,
π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159,
f is the frequency.

Since the frequency is not given, we need to derive it from the speed of the block as it passes the equilibrium position.

v = wA

Given that the speed of the block is 50 cm/s (0.5 m/s) and the displacement is 5 cm (0.05 m), we can solve for the frequency:

0.5 = w * 0.05

w = 0.5 / 0.05
w = 10 rad/s

Now we can calculate the maximum acceleration:

a_max = (10)^2 * 0.05
a_max = 1 * 0.05
a_max = 0.05 m/s^2

Therefore, the maximum acceleration of the block is 0.05 m/s^2.

c) To calculate the speed of the block when x = 3 cm (0.03 m), we can use the equation for velocity in simple harmonic motion:

v = w * sqrt(A^2 - x^2)

Substituting in the values:

v = 10 * sqrt(0.05^2 - 0.03^2)
v = 10 * sqrt(0.0025 - 0.0009)
v = 10 * sqrt(0.0016)
v = 10 * 0.04
v = 0.4 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the block when x = 3 cm is 0.4 m/s.

d) The period of oscillation (T) can be calculated using the formula:

T = 2π / w

T is the period,
π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159,
w is the angular frequency.

Given that the angular frequency is 10 rad/s, we can calculate the period:

T = 2π / 10
T = 0.2π seconds

Therefore, the period of oscillation is approximately 0.2π seconds.

e) To calculate the total acceleration when x = 2 cm (0.02 m), we can use the equation for total acceleration in simple harmonic motion:

a_total = w^2 * x

Substituting in the values:

a_total = 10^2 * 0.02
a_total = 100 * 0.02
a_total = 2 m/s^2

Therefore, the total acceleration when x = 2 cm is 2 m/s^2.

f) The total mechanical energy of the system is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy. In simple harmonic motion, the potential energy (PE) and the kinetic energy (KE) are given by the equations:

PE = 0.5 * k * x^2
KE = 0.5 * m * v^2

k is the spring constant,
x is the displacement,
m is the mass,
v is the velocity.

Since the spring constant is 0 N/m (as calculated in part a), the potential energy is 0.

Therefore, the total mechanical energy of the system is equal to the kinetic energy:

E = KE = 0.5 * m * v^2
E = 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5^2
E = 0.5 * 0.125
E = 0.0625 J

Therefore, the total mechanical energy of the system is 0.0625 Joules.

To answer these questions, we can use the principles of simple harmonic motion (SHM) and Hooke's Law.

a) The spring constant (k) can be calculated using the formula:

k = (m * v^2) / (2 * x)

where m is the mass (0.5 kg), v is the speed (50 cm/s converted to m/s, which is 0.5 m/s), and x is the displacement from equilibrium (5 cm converted to m, which is 0.05 m).

Substituting these values into the formula:
k = (0.5 kg * (0.5 m/s)^2) / (2 * 0.05 m)
k = 1.25 N/m

Therefore, the spring constant of the spring is 1.25 N/m.

b) The maximum acceleration (a_max) of the block can be calculated using the formula:

a_max = (2 * π * f)^2 * x

where f is the frequency and x is the displacement from equilibrium.

The frequency (f) can be calculated using the equation:

f = v / (2 * π * x)

Substituting the values:
f = 0.5 m/s / (2 * π * 0.05 m)
f ≈ 1 Hz

Substituting the frequency and displacement values into the equation for maximum acceleration:
a_max = (2 * π * 1 Hz)^2 * 0.05 m
a_max ≈ 3.92 m/s^2

Therefore, the maximum acceleration of the block is approximately 3.92 m/s^2.

c) To calculate the speed of the block when x = 3 cm, we need to find the maximum displacement from equilibrium (A).

A = x + A_0

where A_0 is the amplitude, which is half of the total displacement (5 cm) since we're finding the speed when x = 3 cm.

A_0 = x/2 = 3 cm / 2 = 1.5 cm = 0.015 m

Plugging in the values into the equation:

A = x + A_0 = 3 cm + 0.015 m = 0.03 m

The speed (v) of the block at any position during SHM can be calculated using the formula:

v = ω * √(A^2 - x^2)

where ω is the angular frequency, given by:

ω = 2 * π * f

Substituting the values:

ω = 2 * π * 1 Hz ≈ 6.28 rad/s
A^2 = (0.03 m)^2 = 0.0009 m^2

Using these values, we can calculate the speed (v):

v = 6.28 rad/s * √(0.0009 m^2 - (0.03 m)^2)
v ≈ 0.565 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the block when x = 3 cm is approximately 0.565 m/s.

d) The period of oscillation (T) can be calculated using the formula:

T = 1 / f

where f is the frequency. From earlier calculations, we found that f ≈ 1 Hz.

Therefore, the period of oscillation is T = 1 / 1 Hz = 1 s.

e) The total acceleration at any point during SHM is the sum of the acceleration due to the spring (a_spring) and the centripetal acceleration (a_c).

a_spring = -k * x
a_c = ω^2 * x

where ω is the angular frequency.

Using the values calculated earlier:
k = 1.25 N/m
x = 2 cm converted to m = 0.02 m
ω = 2 * π * f ≈ 6.28 rad/s

Calculating the accelerations:
a_spring = -1.25 N/m * 0.02 m ≈ -0.025 m/s^2
a_c = (6.28 rad/s)^2 * 0.02 m ≈ 0.789 m/s^2

The total acceleration (a_total) is the sum of these two:

a_total = a_spring + a_c ≈ -0.025 m/s^2 + 0.789 m/s^2 ≈ 0.764 m/s^2

Therefore, the total acceleration when x = 2 cm is approximately 0.764 m/s^2.

f) The total mechanical energy (E) of the system is the sum of the kinetic energy (KE) and the potential energy (PE).

The kinetic energy can be calculated using the formula:

KE = 0.5 * m * v^2

where m is the mass and v is the speed (already calculated as 0.5 m/s).

Plugging in the values:
KE = 0.5 * 0.5 kg * (0.5 m/s)^2
KE = 0.063 J

The potential energy can be calculated using the formula:

PE = 0.5 * k * x^2

where k is the spring constant (already calculated as 1.25 N/m) and x is the displacement from equilibrium.

Plugging in the values:
PE = 0.5 * 1.25 N/m * (0.05 m)^2
PE = 0.00125 J

Therefore, the total mechanical energy of the system is approximately 0.063 J + 0.00125 J = 0.06425 J.

take a look here: http://labman.phys.utk.edu/phys221core/modules/m11/harmonic_motion.html