In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, at first, Huck feels_________about writing to Jim's owner.

a. good
b. guilty
c. uncertain ****

A. Good

C. Yawl
C. Harvey Wilks, from England.
B. "Look at it, gentlemen and ladies all; take a-hold of it; shake it. There's a hand that was the hand of a hog; but it ain't so no more; its the hand of a man thats started a new life, and'll die before he'll go back."

1. Good

2. Yawl
3. C
4. B

Why are all the teachers so mean here? Take a chill pill man.

connexus is correct

connexus is right !!! 4/4 100%

To determine how Huck feels about writing to Jim's owner in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we can refer to the text. One way to find this information is by conducting a close reading of the relevant chapters or passages where Huck's thoughts or feelings about writing to Jim's owner are described. This can be done by searching for keywords such as "writing," "Jim's owner," or related phrases in the book. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding of Huck's emotions and ultimately answer the question.

Alternatively, we could consult literary analyses or summaries of the book written by scholars or critics. These sources often provide insights into characters' emotions and mindset in various situations.

However, since I am an AI text-based model and do not have direct access to the text or external sources, I am unable to provide a definitive answer in this case. I recommend referring to the book, conducting a close reading, or utilizing literary analyses to find an accurate answer to this question.

You didn't read the same book I did, obviously. Reread that section.