whether science or religion is best suited in postmodernity???? i think it's science but i cant find any explanations on the internet

That is strictly an opinion question. You need to state why you think science is best suited to modern times.

what is your opinion on it

Postmodernists also believe there are no objective moral values. Thus, postmodern philosophy suggests equality for all things. One's concept of good and another's concept of evil are to be equally correct, since good and evil are subjective. Many postmodernists appear to deny that an objective reality exists, and appear to deny that there are objective moral values. Thus, the amoral philosophy and the invention of"alternative facts". Science has difficulty with this, but religion handles it well.

Determining whether science or religion is best suited in postmodernity can be a complex and subjective question, as it often depends on personal beliefs and perspectives. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to approach this topic and find diverse explanations.

1. Define postmodernity: Understand the concept of postmodernity and how it relates to science and religion. Postmodernity refers to a broad range of perspectives and cultural developments that emerged after modernity. It is characterized by skepticism towards objective truth, a focus on individual experiences and narratives, and a rejection of grand narratives or universal truths.

2. Research the role of science in postmodernity: Explore the impact of science in a postmodern context. Examine how scientific knowledge and methods are perceived in a society that emphasizes subjectivity and multiple perspectives. Look for articles, books, and scholarly papers that discuss the relationship between science and postmodernity.

3. Investigate the relevance of religion in postmodernity: Similarly, examine the role of religion in postmodernity. Consider how religious beliefs and practices may fit or clash with the postmodern emphasis on individual experiences, relativism, and the rejection of universal truths. Look for scholarly works, articles, or religious texts that explore the intersections between religion and postmodernity.

4. Engage with different perspectives: Search for diverse viewpoints on the topic. Look for writings by both scientists and religious scholars who have engaged with postmodernity. Seek out debates, interviews, or panel discussions that compare and contrast the influence of science and religion in postmodern contexts.

5. Critical analysis: Once you have gathered different perspectives, critically assess the arguments and evidence presented. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each viewpoint and how they align with your own beliefs or values.

Remember that opinions on this topic can vary considerably, and it may be challenging to find definitive explanations. Being open to different perspectives and engaging in critical thinking will help you form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.