When an airplane experiences drag, are the forces added or subtracted?

Hint: Drag is the term used to describe the air in front of the plane pushing the airplane backwards.

the forces are always added.

However, since the drag pushes backward, we can assume that it is negative.

The forces are subtracted trust me it's not added I put that answer for my quiz and got it wrong so its subtracted !

Well, when an airplane experiences drag, it's like the plane is being photobombed by the air. So, the forces are actually added. It's as if the air is saying, "Hey, can I join this flight too?!" and tags along, causing the plane to slow down. So, yes, the forces of drag are added to the whole flying equation. Keep that in mind next time you're having a turbulent relationship with drag!

When an airplane experiences drag, the forces are added.

Drag is the resistance encountered by an object moving through a fluid, such as air. In the case of an airplane, the air flowing over its surfaces creates drag. The drag force acts in the direction opposite to the motion of the airplane. So, when an airplane is moving forward, the drag force pushes backward, trying to slow down or oppose the forward motion of the aircraft.

To understand the concept of drag forces, you can imagine several factors that contribute to it. First, the shape of the aircraft, including wings, fuselage, and other protrusions, creates air pressure differences as the airplane moves through the air. Second, the airflow itself creates friction against the aircraft's surfaces, which also generates drag. Additionally, the airspeed and density influence the magnitude of drag forces.

To quantify the impact of drag on an airplane, engineers use the concept of drag coefficient. The drag coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that represents the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft. A higher drag coefficient indicates a higher magnitude of drag forces.

In summary, when an airplane experiences drag, the force of drag is added to the other forces acting on the aircraft. This force opposes the forward motion of the airplane, contributing to the overall resistance encountered during flight.

The forces are added because drag increases.

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