Turn 14/2 into a mixed fraction. Is it 7/1

It can't be done. Study this page to see why.


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To turn a fraction into a mixed fraction, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator and express the quotient as a whole number and a proper fraction.

In this case, the fraction is 14/2. When you divide 14 by 2, you get 7 as the quotient.

So, 14/2 can be written as the mixed fraction 7 0/2.

However, to simplify the fraction, you divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2 in this case.

Dividing 14 by 2 results in 7, and dividing 2 by 2 results in 1.

So, the simplified mixed fraction for 14/2 is 7 1/2.