What did the steady food supply do for the population growth of Sumerian Cities?

What do you think it did?

Steady food allowed people to stay in one place.


Also -- not everyone had to plant and harvest food, some people had time to develop religion, philosophy, writing and laws.

The steady food supply played a crucial role in the population growth of Sumerian cities. It provided the necessary sustenance for the people to survive and thrive, contributing to the development and expansion of urban settlements. The surplus of food allowed individuals to specialize in other occupations beyond agriculture, such as craftsmanship, trade, administration, and innovation in various fields. This specialization, in turn, led to economic growth, increased productivity, and the formation of complex social structures.

To understand the impact of a steady food supply on population growth in Sumerian cities, you can explore the following points:

1. Agricultural Innovation: The Sumerians were pioneers in developing advanced agricultural techniques, such as irrigation systems, canals, and ploughing methods. These advancements helped maximize crop yields and ensure a reliable food supply, even in challenging climatic conditions.

2. Surplus Production: The implementation of efficient farming methods led to surplus food production. This surplus was stored in granaries, allowing for food reserves during times of scarcity, such as droughts or flooding. With a reliable food surplus, the population could expand without the constant fear of famine.

3. Urbanization: The availability of surplus food encouraged rural inhabitants to migrate to cities. Urban centers offered economic opportunities, protection, and access to various amenities. As more people settled in cities, the population grew rapidly, leading to the development of large, densely populated urban areas.

4. Social Complexity: With a stable and abundant food supply, Sumerian society became more complex. As people specialized in different trades and occupations, a sophisticated division of labor emerged. This specialization allowed for the advancement of technology, trade networks, and cultural and intellectual achievements.

Overall, the steady food supply in Sumerian cities was a driving force behind population growth, urbanization, and the flourishing of civilization. It fostered economic development, social complexity, and innovation, making it a crucial element in the rise of Sumerian society.