Tickets to the school play cost $4 for adults and $2 for students. If 255 adults and 382 students attended the play, write an expression that shows the total amount of money made on ticket sales. Then evaluate the expression.

(255 * 4) + (382 * 2) =


To find the total amount of money made on ticket sales, we need to multiply the number of adults by the cost of an adult ticket and the number of students by the cost of a student ticket.

Let's write an expression to represent the total amount of money made on ticket sales:
Total amount of money = (number of adults * cost of adult ticket) + (number of students * cost of student ticket)

Now let's substitute the given values into the expression to evaluate it:

Total amount of money = (255 * $4) + (382 * $2)

Multiplying, we get:
Total amount of money = $1020 + $764

Adding, we get:
Total amount of money = $1784

Therefore, the total amount of money made on ticket sales is $1784.