How were the Maya and Aztecs civilizations similar?

A. They both lacked a strong government.
B. They both developed complex mathematical and calendar systems.**
C. They both used weapons superior to those of early eastern civilizations.
D. These civilizations produced very few cultural achivements.

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me to plz

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no name i feel your pain i am sooooo lost

To determine the similarities between the Maya and Aztec civilizations, we need to analyze the given options and identify the correct one.

A. They both lacked a strong government: This option is incorrect because both the Maya and Aztecs had well-established systems of government. The Maya had city-states ruled by kings, while the Aztecs had an empire ruled by an emperor.

B. They both developed complex mathematical and calendar systems: This option is correct. The Maya and Aztecs both had advanced mathematical and calendar systems. The Maya developed a base-20 numerical system and a highly accurate calendar. The Aztecs also had an impressive calendar system that incorporated many mathematical calculations.

C. They both used weapons superior to those of early eastern civilizations: There is no historical evidence to suggest that the Maya or Aztecs used weapons superior to those of early eastern civilizations. So, this option is incorrect.

D. These civilizations produced very few cultural achievements: This option is also incorrect. Both the Maya and Aztecs had rich cultural achievements, including elaborate architecture, sculpture, writing systems, and artistic traditions.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is option B. The Maya and Aztecs civilizations were similar in that they both developed complex mathematical and calendar systems.

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