8 cleaners can clean an office block in 3 hours. If two cleaners are off ill,how long will it take the rest to clean the block.

this is an inverse variation, so

8/n = 6/3
6n = 24
n = 4


I would take 24 cleaner-hours to do the job
so with 6 cleaners, it would take 24 cleaner hours/6 cleaners = 4 hours

Sometimes I like to lick dog balls.

there will be 3/4 as many cleaners, so it will take 4/3 as much time.

what is 4/3 * 3 ?

thank you steve

thank you reiny

To answer this question, we can use the concept of manpower and efficiency.

Let's find out how many cleaners are left after two are off ill. If there were initially 8 cleaners and two are off ill, we subtract 2 from 8:

8 - 2 = 6

So, we have 6 cleaners left.

Now, let's determine their new cleaning rate. If 8 cleaners can clean the office block in 3 hours, we can set up a proportion to find how long 1 cleaner takes:

8 cleaners = 3 hours
1 cleaner = x hours

To solve the proportion, multiply diagonally:
8x = 3 * 1

8x = 3
x = 3/8

Hence, we find that 1 cleaner takes 3/8 hours to clean the office block.

Since we have 6 cleaners remaining, we can now multiply their individual cleaning rate by the number of cleaners:
(3/8) * 6 = 18/8 = 2.25

Therefore, with 6 cleaners working, it will take them 2.25 hours to clean the office block.