Solve the simultenous equation.

LogX - 3LogY=1

xy = 160

logx - 3logy = -1

logx + logy = log160
logx - 3logy = -1
subtract to get
4logy = log160 + 1 = log160 + log10 = log1600 = 2log40
logy = 1/2 log40
y = √40
so, x=160/√40 = 4√40


xy = 160
logx - 3logy = -1

xy = 160
x/y^3 = 1/10

x = 160/y, so
160/y^4 = 1/10
y^4 = 1600
y = √40
x = 160/√40 = 4√40

yeah, I know √40 = 2√10 but I think it's easier to see this way.

To solve the simultaneous equation:

1. Start by expressing the second equation in terms of a single logarithm. Since the given equation has a difference of logarithms, you can rewrite it using logarithmic identities.

LogX - 3LogY = 1

Applying the power rule of logarithms, we can rewrite 3LogY as Log(Y^3):

LogX - Log(Y^3) = 1

Using the quotient rule of logarithms, we can combine both logs into a single logarithm:

Log(X / (Y^3)) = 1

2. To eliminate the logarithm, we can rewrite the equation in exponential form. Remember that log(base b) of x equals y can be expressed as b^y = x.

Exponentiating both sides of the equation with base 10:

10^1 = X / (Y^3)

Therefore, we have X / (Y^3) = 10.

3. Now, use the first equation XY = 160 and substitute the value of X from step 2:

(10)(Y^3) = 160

Divide both sides of the equation by 10:

Y^3 = 16

4. Take the cube root of both sides of the equation to solve for Y:

Y = ∛16

Y = 2

5. Substitute the value of Y back into the equation XY = 160 to solve for X:

X(2) = 160

X = 160 / 2

X = 80

Therefore, the solution to the simultaneous equation is X = 80 and Y = 2.