A Car Starting From Rest It Accelerated Uniformly To A Velocity Of 100.8K/h . Convert This To Meter Persecond.

100.8km/hr * 1hr/3600sec* 1000m/km= 100.8*1000/3600 m/s

Can u please solve it nicely, so that i can understand much better.

Actually, you sound much like an answer grazer.

Explain again

I need the final answer

To convert kilometers per hour (k/h) to meters per second (m/s), you need to use the following conversion factor: 1 k/h = 0.2778 m/s.

Given that the car's velocity is 100.8 k/h, we can now calculate its equivalent value in m/s.

Step 1: Multiply the given value (100.8 k/h) by the conversion factor:
100.8 k/h × 0.2778 m/s = 28.00064 m/s

Step 2: Round off the result to an appropriate number of decimal places. Since the given velocity has only rounded to one decimal place, let's round the answer to one decimal place as well.
Rounded off: 28.0 m/s

Therefore, the car's velocity of 100.8 k/h is equivalent to 28.0 m/s.

Please solve it for me