A two end open pipe organ's sixth harmonic is produced by a tuning fork with a frequency of 440 Hz. If it is 17 degrees Celsius, what is the length of the tube?



L = 6.22 meters

Is that right?


The seventh harmonic of a one end closed pipe organ has a frequency of 732 Hz, on a day when the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. How long is the pipe? How long would it be for 732 to be the first harmonic?

I used the same method for this problem - I just plugged in the new numbers. For the second question, do I use n=1 rather than n=7, and solve for L to get the answer?

Oh yeah, and since the tube is closed on one end, I used the equation fn=(2n-1)v/4L rather than fn=nv/2L. Was my method of solving the problem correct?

To calculate the length of a two-end open pipe organ, we first need to find the velocity of sound in air at a given temperature. The formula for calculating the velocity of sound in air is:

v = 332 + 0.6 * T

v is the velocity of sound in meters per second,
T is the temperature in degrees Celsius.

Given that the temperature is 17 degrees Celsius, we can substitute it into the formula:

v = 332 + 0.6 * 17
v ≈ 332 + 10.2
v ≈ 342.2 m/s

Now, we can use the formula for the nth harmonic frequency of a pipe organ:

f = (2n - 1) * v / (4L)

f is the frequency of the nth harmonic,
n is the harmonic number,
v is the velocity of sound in air,
L is the length of the tube.

Given that we have the sixth harmonic frequency of 440 Hz, we can rearrange the formula to solve for L:

440 = (2 * 6 - 1) * 342.2 / (4L)
440 = 11 * 342.2 / (4L)
440 = 3774.2 / (4L)

Now, let's solve for L:

4L = 3774.2 / 440
L ≈ 3774.2 / (4 * 440)
L ≈ 2.14 m

Therefore, based on the calculations, the length of the tube is approximately 2.14 meters. The value you provided (6.22 meters) seems to be incorrect.