th 6th grade

I have to covert 64 into fraction,decimal and percentage.
So my answer is:
Fraction 64/64
Decimal 1.01
Percentage 101%

Plz correct if it’s wrong. Thank you!

64 as a fraction = 64/1

your choice of 64/64 would be 1

as a decimal , 64 is 64.0 , not a good question

as a percent : 6400%

To convert 64 to a fraction, decimal, and percentage, let's break it down:

1. Fraction: 64/64 is not incorrect, but it can be simplified further. Both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 64. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 64, we get 1/1, which is equivalent to 1. So the simplified fraction is 1.

2. Decimal: To convert 64 to a decimal, divide it by the place value of the digit at the rightmost position. In this case, the rightmost digit is 4, so the place value is 1. Dividing 64 by 1 gives us 64. So the decimal representation of 64 is 64.00.

3. Percentage: To convert 64 to a percentage, multiply it by 100. 64 multiplied by 100 equals 6400. So the percentage representation of 64 is 6400%.

Therefore, the correct conversions are:
Fraction: 1
Decimal: 64.00
Percentage: 6400%

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!