Felicia's mom is 4 times as old as Felicia. In 16 years years her mom will be twice her age. How old is Felicia now?

Felicia is X yrs. old now.

Mom is 4x yrs. old now.

16 yrs. later:
4x + 16 = 2(x + 16 ).
2x = 16,
X = 8.


m = 4 F

m + 16 = 2 (F + 16)

solve the system for F ... substitution would work great

Hey, this is my homework too!

To find out how old Felicia is now, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's represent Felicia's current age as "x."

We are told that Felicia's mom is 4 times as old as Felicia, which means her mom's age is 4 * x = 4x.

In 16 years, Felicia's mom will be twice her age. So, we can add 16 to each of their ages and set up an equation:

4x + 16 = 2(x + 16)

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

4x + 16 = 2x + 32

Subtract 2x from both sides:

2x + 16 = 32

Subtract 16 from both sides:

2x = 16

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 8

Therefore, Felicia is currently 8 years old.