Q60 The radius of 4rth orbital of an atom if bohrs radius

is 0.529A will be?
Ans 8.4A

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Dow grades

To find the radius of the 4th orbital of an atom given the Bohr's radius, you can use the formula:

R = n^2 * r0

R is the radius of the orbital,
n is the principal quantum number of the orbital (4th orbital = n = 4),
r0 is the Bohr's radius (0.529 Å).

Substituting the values into the formula:

R = 4^2 * 0.529 Å
R = 16 * 0.529 Å
R = 8.464 Å

So, the radius of the 4th orbital of an atom will be approximately 8.4 Å.