1. Turning a diagram of your square with the lengths of the sides on it. See grid paper to sketch. Sketch it on the grid paper below. Light each block represent an inch. Draw two sides of the square. Make sure they intersect and are the same length. Draw the long side and you will have or flag shape and it will be a right triangle.

2. List the lengths of the sides. Each Square represents an inch. List the length of the diagonal you got from measuring it with a ruler. Use that whole numbers. The length of the sides of the square is__ inches. Measure with a ruler, the diagonal measures__ inches. 3. Show the extra length of the diagonal using the Pythagorean theorem substitute it the same side length for a and b.

Please help me Mrs.sue I do not get it please help me someone this is a profolio its most of my grade

We cannot diagram here.

I understand that you need help with your portfolio for your assignment. Let's break down each step and explain how to complete it.

1. Turning a diagram of your square with the lengths of the sides on it:
- Start by getting grid paper or any paper with a grid-like pattern.
- Sketch a square on the paper. Each block on the grid represents an inch.
- Draw two sides of the square by extending lines from two adjacent corners of the square. Make sure the lines intersect and are of the same length.
- Draw the long side, connecting the endpoints of the two shorter sides. This will give you a right triangle shape, as one side of the square acts as the hypotenuse of the triangle.

2. Listing the lengths of the sides and measuring the diagonal:
- Measure the length of each side of the square using a ruler. Each square on the grid represents an inch, so count the number of squares on each side to get the length in inches.
- List the length of each side of the square, indicating the number of inches. For example, if each side was 3 inches long, you would write "The length of the sides of the square is 3 inches."
- Measure the length of the diagonal of the square using a ruler. The diagonal connects the two opposite corners of the square.
- Write down the measurement of the diagonal in inches. For example, if the diagonal measures 5 inches, you would write "The diagonal measures 5 inches."

3. Showing the extra length of the diagonal using the Pythagorean theorem:
- The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The formula is a² + b² = c², where "a" and "b" are the lengths of the two shorter sides, and "c" is the length of the hypotenuse (diagonal in this case).
- Substitute the length of one of the sides into the formula for both "a" and "b". For example, if each side of the square measures 3 inches, you would use 3 for both "a" and "b".
- Solve the equation to find the value of "c", which represents the length of the diagonal. This can be done by squaring the lengths of "a" and "b", adding them together, and then finding the square root of the result.
- Compare the calculated length of the diagonal using the Pythagorean theorem with the measured length of the diagonal obtained with a ruler. If they match, it confirms the accuracy of the measurements and the validity of the Pythagorean theorem.

Remember, it is crucial to follow the instructions carefully and accurately record the measurements to complete your portfolio successfully.