true or false

A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by multiplicaiton?

Technially, yes, but I suspect your teacher will argue.

Ratio = 6/7

which is division. But one could argue gently that it is also 6 x 1/7, which is two numbers multiplied.


A ratio is a comparison of two numbers or quantities by division, not multiplication. It is expressed as a fraction or as two numbers separated by a colon (:).

To determine if a statement is true or false, it is helpful to understand the concept being discussed. In this case, a ratio compares two numbers or quantities in terms of their relative sizes or values. The most common way to express a ratio is in the form of a fraction, such as 1/2 or 3/4. For example, if you have a basket with 10 red apples and 5 green apples, the ratio of red apples to green apples would be 10:5 or 2:1.

So, in conclusion, a ratio is a comparison of two numbers by division, not multiplication.