a player has 31 hits in 117 times at bat write the players batting average as a decimal round to the nearest thousand

Wow, that player really knows how to swing! Let's calculate their batting average with a touch of humor.

To do this, we divide the number of hits (31) by the number of times at bat (117).

So, if you sharpen your math skills, the player's batting average is approximately 0.265 (rounded to the nearest thousandth). Now, that's what I call a "hit" comedy!

To find the player's batting average, divide the number of hits by the number of times at bat, and then round the result to the nearest thousandth.

Batting Average = Number of Hits / Number of Times at Bat

In this case, the player has 31 hits and 117 times at bat.

Batting Average = 31 / 117

Calculating this: 31 divided by 117 equals approximately 0.265

Now, rounding this to the nearest thousandth:

Batting Average = 0.265 rounded to the nearest thousandth

Therefore, the player's batting average, rounded to the nearest thousandth, is 0.265.

To calculate the player's batting average, you need to divide the number of hits by the number of times at bat. In this case, the player has 31 hits in 117 times at bat.

Batting Average = Number of Hits / Number of Times at Bat

Substituting the values, the batting average becomes:

Batting Average = 31 / 117

To convert this into a decimal, divide 31 by 117:

Batting Average = 0.264957...

Since we need to round the batting average to the nearest thousandth, we need to look at the fourth decimal place (9 in this case). Since it is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the third decimal place (4 in this case).

Therefore, the player's batting average as a decimal, rounded to the nearest thousandth, is 0.265.

31 hits in 117 times is 31/177. Now type that into a calculator. What do you get?