I noticed you guys didn’t help the other person out with this question and I need help as well.

What is the solution of the system of equations?

{-3x - 4y - 3z = -7

{2x - 6y + 2z = 3

{5x - 2y + 5z = 9

A. (5,-2,7)

B. (-5,2,7)


D. No solution

Use a matrix to find the solution to the system of equations.

{-8x - 8y = -16

{6x - 9y = -108



D. (6,-8)

Someone might check your answers. However, Jiskha tutors do not do the work for you.

Ok obviously it’s not in text because I’m asking for help on here

No, it's not obvious at all. What school do you attend? Why is the teacher giving you an assignment if s/he hasn't taught it and it's not in the text?

I don't know of a single text that would not show an example of how to solve a system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns, if that is the topic of the chapter.

Looking at your equations, it would be easiest to solve by elimination.
Eliminate the y variables using #1 and #3. Multiply #3 by 2, then subtract from #1, giving you a new equation containing only x's and z's.
Then multiply #3 by 2, then subract it from #2, giving you a second equation in only x's and z's
After that use your method of solving 2 equations in 2 unknowns, that you must have learned earlier.

As to the 2nd problem, what method of matrix manipulation have your learned?
- using an inverse matrix ?
- Gauss-Jordan ?
- some other matrix method?

I don’t know the freaking answer so how am I supposed to to provide answers???? WHY WONT ANYONE HELP ME! I guess the first one is C and the second one is B

Back when I was in school, if we didn't know the answer, we went back through the text and tried to learn how to do the problem.